Today we read multiple people's definition of culture. We were tasked responding to them, so here it is!
We think that the top two are Irene de la Fuente's and Mona Mughram Al-Ghamdi's.
Irene's definition is:
"Culture among countries is the most interesting thing that we have. We have different ideas, thinking, religions, etc. We are human beings and we can understand each other if we have a free soul and an open mind"
We believe that this is a good definition because it explains a couple aspects of culture while acknowledging our differences. For cultures to truly be able to coexist we need to have a free soul and an open mind, as the statement says. Once we achieve that, cultures can work together, blend and build one another.
Mona's definition is:
"Culture to me is the traditions, values and believes of a group of people that travels through generations".
We also think that this definition is good because for culture to travel it has to be accepted, appreciated, celebrated, and passed on from parents to children to help preserve the identity of heritage.
Reading this two quotes, helped us to come up with our own definition:
"Culture can be seen on various levels; there is culture on a community level, country level, continental level and international level. It represents the identity of the people that take part in its celebration and evolution".
Culture is a closed hand. It may be hard to open, but once you do, it can introduce you to a whole new world.
Culture is a globe. There are many different parts and countries but in the end we all are the same.
Lovely !! Congratulations!!